Saturday, October 8, 2011

Types of Foundation

Following are the major types of foundation which is used in general practices.

1. Column Footing
2. Pile foundation
3. Spread footing

Foundations are being designed based on the soil bearing capacity, types of soil, load of the structures, water table below the structures, earth pressures on the building, air pressure, climatic conditions of the locality and other parameters.

Vaalga Valamudan

Low cost Houses

Due to the cost of each materials in construction of Buildings, the lower middle class and poor class people are suffering  a lot to construct their own houses.

To provide the suitable house at low cost for everyone, we have to use alternative modern technologies to make our own houses suitably.

Own House for Every Individual in India is to be ensured.

Instead of wooden windows, doors, & shuttering we can use Plastic or steel or whichever is available in low cost can be utilized and  for partition of hall using bricks can be altered with light weight low cost materials.

Inner partition wall can be provided with 15 cm width hollow blocks or plywood or any other suitable available low cost materials.

Vaalga Valamudan